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In the writer's view what is being used more efficiently.?A.Money holdings.B.Cheek deposit

In the writer's view what is being used more efficiently.?

A.Money holdings.

B.Cheek deposits.


D.Metering and vending machines.

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更多“In the writer's view what is b…”相关的问题
Are some people born clever, and others born stupid? Or is intelligence(智力)developed

Are some people born clever, and others born stupid? Or is intelligence(智力)developed by our environment and our experiences? Strangely enough, the answer to both questions is yes. To some extent our intelligence is given to us at birth and no amount of special education can make a genius out of a child born with low intelligence. On the other hand, a child who lives in a boring environment will develop his intelligence less than one who lives in rich and varied surroundings. Thus the limits of a person’s intelligence are fixed at birth, but whether or not he reaches those limits will depend on his environment. This view, now held by most experts, can be supported in a number of ways. It is easy to show that intelligence, to some extent, is something we are born with. The closer the blood relationship between two people, the closer they are likely to be in intelligence. Thus if we take two unrelated people at random from the population, it is likely that their degrees of intelligence will be completely different. If on the other hand we take two identical twins(双胞胎)they will very likely be as intelligent as each other. Relations like brothers and sisters, parents and children, usually have similar intelligence, and this clearly suggests that intelligence depends on birth. Imagine now that we take two identical twins and put them in different environments. We might send one, for example, to university and the other to a factory where the work is boring. We would soon find differences in intelligence developing, and this indicates that environment as well as birth plays a part. This conclusion is also suggested by the fact that people who live in close contact with each other, but who are not related at all, are likely to have similar degrees of intelligence.

1.The writer is in favor of the view that man’s intelligence is given to him ().

A.at birth

B.through education

C.both at birth and through education

D.neither at birth nor through education

2.If a child is born with low intelligence, he will ().

A.never become a genius

B.still become a genius if he is given special education

C.exceed(超过)his intelligence limits in rich surroundings

D.not reach his intelligence limits in his life

3.In the second paragraph," if we take two unrelated people at random from the population" means if we ().

A.pick up any two persons

B.choose two persons who are relatives

C.take out two different persons

D.choose two persons with different intelligence

4.The example of the twins put in different environments is to show ().

A.the importance of their intelligence

B.the influence of environment on intelligence

C.the importance of their positions

D.the part that birth plays

5.The best title for this passage is ().



C.Dependence on Environment

D.Effect of Education

Which of the following is the author’s view on the historical development of toys_______

A. Toys are playing an increasingly important role in shaping a child’s character.

B. The toy industry has witnessed great leaps in technology in recent years.

C. The craftsmanship in toy making has remained essentially unchange

D. Toys have remained basically the same all through the centuries.

An old friend from abroad, whom I was expecting to stay with, telephoned from the air
port to tell me that he had arrived.I was still at the office at the time, but I had made arrangements for his arrival.After explaining where my new flat was, I told him that I had left the key under a stone near the door.As I was likely to be at home rather later, I advised him to go into the kitchen and help himself to food and drink.

Two hours later, my friend telephoned me from the flat.At the moment, he said, he was listening to some of my re- cords after having just had a truly wonderful meal.He had found a pan on the gas stove and fried two eggs and had helped himself to some cold chicken from the refrigerator.Now he said, he was drinking a glass of orange juice and he hoped I would join him.I asked him if he had reached the flat without difficulty, he answered that he had not been able to find the key under the stone, but fortunately the living-room window just by the apple tree had been open and he had climbed in.I listened to all this in astonishment.There is no apple tree in front of my living room, but there is one in front of my neighbor's.

1.When his friend arrived from abroad the writer was______ .

A . at the airport

B . at home

C . still at the office

D . on his way home

2.As the writer was busy and couldn't go home on time, he asked his friend ().

A.to cook something for him

B.to have a meal and drink himself

C.to wait for him to have dinner together

D.to go into the kitchen and cook first

3 .Two hours later, the writer () .

A.got home and met his friend

B.was listening to some records

C.rang up his friend

D.got a phone call from his friend

4.Knowing his friend's arrival, the writer had ().

A.left the living room window open

B.asked his neighbor to receive his friend

C.managed to go home later than usual

D.hid the key for him somewhere near the door

5.The writer was surprised to find that his friend had () .

A.entered his neighbor' s house by mistake

B.entered his living room by climbing the apple tree

C.entered his house through a neighbor' s window

D.got into the living room with a neighbor' s key

Which sentence is not correct about misplaced modifier().
Which sentence is not correct about misplaced modifier().

A、Misplaced modifiers are words that, because of awkward placement, do not describe what the writer intended them to describe.

B、A misplaced modifier can make a sentence confusing or unintentionally funny.

C、To avoid misplaced modifier, we can place words as close as possible to what they describe.

D、A misplaced modifier is a word or phrase, often a participle or participial phrase, that doesn't actually modify the word it's intended to modify.

When John Milton writer of“Paradise Lost” entered Cambridge University in 1625 he was
already skilled in Latin after seven years of studying it as his second language at St.Paul’s School London.Like all English boys who prepared for college in grammar schools he had learned not only to read Latin but also to speak and write it smoothly and correctly.His pronunciation of Latin was English however and seemed to have sounded strange to his friends when he later visited Italy.

Schoolboys gained their skill in Latin in a bitter way.They kept in mind the rules to make learning by heart easier.They first made a word-for-word translation and then an idiomatic translation into English.As they increased their skill they translated their English back into Latin without referring to the book and then compared their translation with the original.The schoolmaster was always at hand to encourage them.All schoolmasters believed Latin should be beaten in .

After several years of study the boys began to write compositions in imitation of the Latin writers they read.And as they began to read Latin poems they began to write poems in Latin.Because Milton was already a poet at ten his poems were much better than those painfully put together by the other boys.During the seven years Milton spent at university he made regular use of his command of Latin.He wrote some excellent Latin poems which he published among his works in 1645.

1.What does the passage mainly tell about?[]

A.How John Milton wrote“Paradise Lost”

B.How John Milton studied Latin

C.How John Milton became famous

D.How John Milton became a poet

2.Which of the following is true of John Milton’s pronunciation of Latin?[]

A.It has a strong Italian accent

B.It has an uncommon accent

C.It was natural and easy to understand

D.It was bad and difficult to understand

3.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A.Milton’s training in Latin was similar to that of the other boys

B.Milton hadn’t learned any foreign language except Latin before going to college

C.Milton’s Italian friends helped him with Latin when talking

D.Milton's classmates learned Latin harder but worse than Milton

4.Which of the following is suggested in the passage?[]

A.The schoolmaster mainly helped those who were bad at Latin

B.The schoolmaster usually stood beside the schoolboys with a stick in his hand

C.The schoolboys could repeat Latin grammar rules from memory

D.Some of the schoolboys were quick at writing compositions in Latin

5.What is the meaning of the underlined part“Latin should be beaten in”that the writer wishes you to understand?[]

A.Schoolboys should be punished if they were lazy to learn Latin

B.Schoolboys should be encouraged if they had difficulty in learning Latin

C.Schoolboys were expected to master Latin in a short time

D.Schoolboys had to study Latin in a hard way

The benefits of these hotels are convenience and price,usually around 2000-4000(USD 25
The benefits of these hotels are convenience and price,usually around 2000-4000(USD 25

-50) a night. They provide a place for those who may be too drunk to return home safely. About 30% at the Capsule Hotel were unemployed or underemployed and were renting capsules by the month. It was first offered to salary men who had missed the last train home, but now it is also poDular with travelers from all over the world. Therefore, it's going to gain more popularity.

21. The space of each capsule is quite().

A. limited

B. large

C. capacious

22. Most capsules are not equipped with()in the small sleeping space.

A.a TV

B. wireless internet connection

C. washrooms

23.Capsule hotels were first developed in().

A. Japan

B. China


24. The benefits of these hotels do not incude ().

A. convenienced

B. comfort

C. price

25.The writer has a () attitude towards capsule hotels.

A. positive

B. negative

C. neutral

Paying Your WayThere were red faces at one of Britain's biggest banks recently. They
Paying Your Way

There were red faces at one of Britain's biggest banks recently. They had accepted a telephone order to buy £ 100,000 worth of shares from a fifteen-year-old schoolboy (they thought he was twenty-one. The shares fell in value and the schoolboy was unable to pay up. The bank lost £ 20,000 on the deal which it cannot get back because, for one thing, this young speculator does not have the money and, for another, being under eighteen, he is not legally liable for his debts. If the shares had risen in value by the same amount that they fell, he would have pocketed £ 20,000 profit. Not bad for a fifteen-year-old. It certainly is better than delivering the morning newspaper. In another recent case, a boy of fourteen found, in his grandmother's house, a suitcase full of foreign banknotes. The clean, crisp, banknotes looked very convincing but they were now not used in their country of origin or anywhere else. This young boy headed straight to the nearest bank with his pockets filled with notes. The cashiers did not realise that the country in question had reduced the value of its currency by 90%. They exchanged the notes at their face value at the current exchange rate. In three days, before he was found out, he took £ 200,000 from nine different banks. Amazingly, he had already spent more than half of this on taxi- rides, restaurant meals, concert tickets and presents for his many new girlfriends (at least he was generous!) before the police caught up with him. Because he is also under eighteen the banks have kissed goodbye to a lot of money, and several cashiers have lost their jobs.Should we admire these youngsters for being enterprising and showing initiative or condemn them for their dishonesty? Maybe they had managed for years with tiny amounts of pocket money that they got from tight-listed parents. Maybe they had done Saturday jobs for peanuts. It is hardly surprising, given the expensive things that young people want to buy, such as fashionable running shoes and computer games, if they sometimes think up more imaginative ways of making money than delivering newspapers and baby-sitting. These lads saw the chance to make a lot of money and took it.Another recent story which should give us food for thought is the case of the man who paid his six-year-old daughter £ 300 a week pocket money. He then charged her for the food she ate and for her share of the rent and household bills. After paying for all this, she was left with a few coins for her piggy bank.. "She will soon learn the value of money," he said. "There's no such thing as a free lunch. Everything has to be paid for and the sooner she learns that the better." At the other extreme there are fond parents who provide free bed and board for their grown-up children. While even the most hard-hearted parents might hesitate to throw their children out on the streets, we all know of people in their late twenties who still shamelessly live off their parents. Surely there comes a time when every- one has to leave the parental nest, look after themselves and pay their own way in life. But when is it?

1.One of Britain's biggest banks recently ____

A、received a telephone order to buy shares for a twenty-one year old

B、lost a lot of money because the shares they bought fell in value

C、bought quite a lot of shares for a customer and caused him to lose money

D、lost money as its young customer did not have the money to pay his debts

2.According to the passage, the young customer would have ____

A、earned £ 20,000, if the shares had gone up in value by the same amount they fell

B、paid his debts, if he had had the money to do so

C、continued to cheat banks, if he had not been found out

D、to go to prison, if he did not pay the money back

3.The writer's attitude to the example of the two boys who cheated the banks is ____





4.The reason why the man paid his daughter £300 a week pocket money and then required her to pay for her living expenses was that he wanted her to learn ____

A、to bear the hardships of life

B、how to live comfortably on her own pocket money

C、the value of money

D、how to save money

5.It can be concluded from the article that the writer believes that ____

A、parents should give more pocket money to their children

B、children should leave the parental nest as soon as possible

C、grown-up children should support themselves

D、children should learn to be economical

Which of the following does not belong to the basic views on language?

A.Structural view

B.Functional view

C.Cognitive view

D.Interactional view






The writer was ______ in his writing that he forgot to walk his dog as usual.

A. concentrated

B. devoted

C. absorbed

D. fixed

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